Call For Papers

Call for paper pdf

International Association of Buddhist Universities

Call for Articles, JIABU, Vol. XI
Critical Issues from Buddhist Women


This is a call for papers for the 11th Volume of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities (JIABU), published by the generosity of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University through the International Association of Buddhist Universities.  The volume aims to be a special edition, covering Critical Issues from Buddhist Women.  This volume aims at having authors or professors who are Buddhist women, discussing the ideas that are important for Buddhist women.  We would like male-associates to respectfully, not submit anything for this edition, but be keen to encourage female-associates to contribute to this edition.  This specialized theme should be of great interest to our university students and professors training and working in the field of Buddhist Studies and those involved in the education process.  We encourage interdisciplinary studies and welcome articles from female Buddhist scholars in all fields related around the theme, towards: Critical Issues from Buddhist Women.

Women are over ½ of the global population, and women are the most seen in Buddhist settings, certainly inside Buddhist temples – women must never be silenced.  This edition will ensure that the voices of women in Buddhism are heard, through their academic contributions.  Papers can be about contributions from Buddhist women, analysis of doctrines from Buddhist women, important Buddhist women of today, critical issues for Buddhist women, advancements in bhikkuni-ordinations, just to name a few, but not limited to those topics – again, this is to encourage critical or important issues for Buddhist women.  Papers selected for the journal should possess:

  • Thematic relevance
  • innovative theoretical perspectives,
  • clarity of organization,
  • an accessible prose style,
  • and significant research in primary resources
  • a higher extension of wisdom from what has already been written about.


Please remember to produce an endeavor that deals with relevant topic material, Buddhist texts and the readers in meaningful ways.  Please send all final full-papers inclusive of an abstract and keywords, as Microsoft Word Files (.doc or .docx).

Call for Papers issued: 21 February 2017

Final Full-Article Deadline: 22 September 2017

Publication of the JIABU, Volume 11: as soon as possible online, and in hardcopy, according to the capacity of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.    


We must have your fully-perfected articles by the final deadline date to ensure that the article is considered for publication.  Once the academic peer-review committee completes their selections, and the editorial-team has completed any additional formatting/revisions, the 11th Volume of the JIABU will be released.


  • Submitted papers are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to the main theme of Critical Issues from Buddhist Women for this special edition, 11th Volume of the JIABU.
  • Papers should be from 10-15 pages (not strict on these specifications), submitted in the preferred font: ‘Times EXT Roman’ (for papers with Pāli/Sanskrit diacritic markings).
  • Please download this font: –and compose your article in this font. Articles will be returned if there are any undisplayed diacritical-markings.
  • Papers may be rejected for specific circumstances, but may be rewritten, following committee recommendations.


PLEASE SEND FINAL PAPERS or any questions, to:

General Editor:

Mr. Seth Evans:

Ven. Phra Weerasak Suwannawong :


We, thank you, for your interest in this specialized theme, and we hope that this topic: Critical Issues from Buddhist Women, becomes a valued and often discussed theme in the future.  We would be honored to receive your thoughtful and valuable contribution for Buddhist Studies.


Yours sincerely,


Editorial Team

JIABU, International Association of Buddhist Universities,

International Buddhist Studies College,

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University